Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

MC script Birthday

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MC script Birthday
Sample script as MC mauled time in Santren or Musala hut bawaq bagek Hamlet Village West Strait Strait, which is reduced in a word, full of words that are pronounced. MC and experience so rarely appear, well not this something pretty to just appear in front of the hut of our own society.

Bissmillahiwbihamdi Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Alhamdulillahillazi Hadanalihasa wamakunnalinah tadiya singing anhadanallah
Mayadillahufala mudilalah, wamayudlilhu fala hadiyalah
Asyhadualla illahaillallah, wahdahula syarikalah
Wa asyhaduanna Mohammedan abduhuwarusuh, after the Lanibiya
Kalallahu Almighty filkuranil karim
Muhammadarusullahi wallazi na ma 'ahuuu Asyiddaaau
Alallkufari ruhamaaa u bainahum taraahum, rukka'an sujadayabtaguuu na
Fadlaminallahi waridwaanaa ...
Kala namiyi SAW
Annama buistu utammima li ma kaarimal probation
Sadakallahu wasadakal apostle ,, amabakdu
We Kone Almukaram Mr. Tuan Guru
Dear Mr. Strait headman
Dear Sirs Kadus strait strait west and east
Dear sirs, religious leaders, community leaders brief audience before rahimakumallah
EVENT Warning birthday of the prophet Muhammad. Night 29 Rabiul early 1435 H, which coincides with the date January 31, 2014 as soon as we began, with the structure of the event:
1.      Opening
2.      The reading of verses from the Qur'an
3.      Keyword preface of the committee
4.      I ​​think Single Father village chief straits
5.      The description of the core wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad.
6.      Prayer / Closing
For more blessed, let's go to the show tonight to release the basmalah, bismillahirrahmanirrahim
The second event chanting verses from the Koran to be read out by Ustad Baihaki, welcome to buy ....
The third event sekpur betel words of sisters committee, welcome
Events to four single speech by the head of the village of Selat ,, we invite him
The event waiting
Business wisdom mauled great prophet Muhammad SAW. Which will be presented by Mr. TG H.muhi. Yusi Adnan, he is welcome to
Thus the description and the wisdom of the prophet Muhammad.
 pukehidupan daily ... AMin ... Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
And we say to Mr TG Many thanks
Prayer is the last event to be presided over by the father of the leaders of the hamlet Strait
Earlier the end of his prayer, then ended the show we are on the eve of this day.
Let us release the lid with hamdalah .. ALhamdullahirabilalamin.
Terimaksih over all perhatian..Mohon Sorry for the mistake Tegla
Wallahulmuafiku walhadi ila sabillirosyad


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